Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Legally Blonde: The Musical
  • Lighting Designer
    Chloe Trepanier
  • Venue
    UMass Amherst Bowker Auditorium
  • Producing Entity
    MaryBeth LaPlaca

In Photo #1, the scene is mimicking a workout video the character, Brooke, a fitness instructor, who is leading the group. I used blues and a spotlight to show emphasis on the actors. Photo #2, is during the song "Gay or European" in which the members in the court are trying to figure out if a character is gay. I used the pink gels above the stage and a purple cyc to bring out the femininity of the character. Photo #3 is during a song where the actors are in a hair salon. Photo #4 uses pink and purple light during a scene when the actors are discussing Elle's sadness. Photo #5, the class is looking down at Elle as she is kicked out of class. I used red cyc lights to symbolize the darkness of the song and light top light to create the shadows on the actors.

Colors Used:

  • R382
  • R4830
  • R4730
  • R54
  • R64
  • R30
  • R3444
  • R33
  • R305
  • R65