Color Resource Gallery


  • Lighting Designer
    Emily Hartig

Rosco color used: R09

The play, Adult Superstitions Part 1, is about a woman who is talking/singing skeptically to a photograph of her husband, who is at war. The photograph tries to convince her it's all right if she uses him as a substitute, but she as issues thinking of it that way.

I chose this color to create a softer feeling and more intimate mood, as opposed to the brighter interior setting that started the piece (as can be seen in the second photograph). The change happens when the woman starts to forget her qualms and give in to her desire for the photograph.

Play Title: Adult Superstitions Part 1 by Christopher Pugh
Directed by: Christopher Pugh
As part of Festival Dionysia, from the UBC Players' Club, at the Dorothy Summerset Studio, Vancouver

Lighting Design: Emily Hartig

(Further program information attached in photo form)

Colors Used: