Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    The Clean House
  • Lighting Designer
    Erin Deda
  • Venue
    Swirnow Theater, Mattin Center at Johns Hopkins University
  • Producing Entity
    Amy Morgam

During the production of "The Clean House" I looked to create an ethereal mood using the play between the voile panels and the realistic living room where the maid Matilde remembers her parents in Brazil. Matilde (Eliza Vasconcellos) is center stage, lit with R08 and R61 from the front, and R54 from the back. The cyc is lit with R124, R125 and R126 to create a light pink - orange wash. The voile panels are then back lit R33, R55, and R8 to create the wash of colors and give a transitory mood to Matilde's memories.

September 2010 "The Clean House", by Sarah Ruhl, Swirnow Theater, Mattin Center at Johns Hopkins University Produced by The Johns Hopkins University Barnstormers as a part of the Homewood Arts Program. Directed by Amy Morgan. Producer Alanna Klos Set Design, Lighting Design, and Technical direction Erin Deda. Sound Design Adam Feinstein and Tom Smith. Props Master Judy Penati. Stage Manager Danielle Lohan. Photographs by Morgan Yang.

Colors Used:

  • R08
  • R61
  • R54
  • R124
  • R125
  • R126
  • R33
  • R55