Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    By the Bog of Cats
  • Lighting Designer
    Coriander Mayer
  • Venue
    Theater East, Logan Center for the Arts
  • Producing Entity
    University of Chicago

By the Bog of Cats is a magical realism adaptation of Medea set in a bog in modern rural Ireland. The first act takes place between just before dawn and late morning, the second act is an interior wedding, and the third act takes place entirely during a fire. Creating a world that could hold both ghosts and a fire that continued in the background of an entire act was the greatest challenge of this design, and I created distinct color palettes for each. The ghost world was in R71 (sides/high sides), R80 (toplight), and the opening look of the play featured a shin with R61+R119. The early morning setting was defined by key sidelight/high sides coming from the "east" in R318 (early), R321 (late), and R09. The fire used key sidelight and shins coming from the other side of the stage in R26, R325, and R321. The interior world used R33, R04, R363, and R99.

dir. Julia Santha, photo credit Matthew Gregory Hollis

Colors Used:

  • R80
  • R318
  • R321
  • R71
  • R61
  • R325
  • R26
  • R33
  • R09
  • R99