Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Karaoke Idol
  • Lighting Designer
    Bradley Clements
  • Venue
    New World Stages
  • Producing Entity
    New World Stages

My goal for this event was to transform a space used nightly (a lobby) into a unique a interesting venue that would being people in and make them stay while still drawing attention to the stage and the "judges station". My inspiration was kindo of a "musical theatre forest". On one end was a "river"; on the other were "trees" and as as backdrop for the whole event was a bright yellow "sun" which was both a statement piece as well as a moment that created silhouettes of the guests which made beautiful picture opportunities. I needed to keep with the "nature" theme but add a "musical" flare. R312 Canary was my only choice for creating a stunning sun effect.
R94 Kelly Green and R12 Straw created my green dappled forest. R83 Medium Blue created a rich a lovely river. And R321 was a nice warm glow to make my judges stand out from the rest. The production was a success and is a yearly tradition now.

Colors Used:

  • R312
  • R94
  • R12
  • R83
  • R321