Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Gods Ear
  • Lighting Designer
    Kristie Roldan
  • Venue
    Echo Theatre Company Los Angeles
  • Producing Entity
    Kristie Roldan

The production team chose to create a dream-space-meets-reality vibe for the play by working with a base pallette of cool colors. From there, the introduction of contrast would more clearly define new, and possibly real, spaces that could easily disappear.

In this picture you see Mel (Amanda Saunders) at a window using R3441 (Full Straw CTS) and gobo R 78255 (Crooked Venetian) to create an impression of a perhaps slightly abused location that stands out starkly from the dream space. GI Joe (Jeremy Shranko) berates her from the cool tones of dream world, in R362 (Tipton Blue) and the background in R368 (Winkler Blue).

God’s Ear by Jenny Schwartz
Director: Rory Kozell
Lighting Design: Kristie Roldan
Echo Theater Company
Los Angeles, CA
Photo credit: Megan J. Carroll

Colors Used:

  • R3441
  • R362
  • R368