Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Dance 2010 University of Oregon Faculty Concert
  • Lighting Designer
    Frani Geiger
  • Venue
    University of Oregon

These photo's were from the DANCE 2010 University of Oregon Faculty Concert. This piece was choreographed by Shannon Mockli and was set to the Balenescu Quartet and two arias from the Magic Flute, including Arie 14 by the Queen of the Night, "Night Queens". In this piece, I used R62 in my sidelight to create a stark and shadow reliant atmosphere. Once the costumes were designed: white and highly textured, we discussed the desire for emphasizing the "whiteness with the shadowness". Using R62 exclusively in the sidelight for this piece, I was able to keep the light cool, the whites white, and the shadows awesome!

Colors Used:

  • R62