Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Tether End
  • Lighting Designer
    Ross McKillop
  • Venue
    Estrado Theatre Company
  • Producing Entity
    Tom McKeown

Not the best photo but R99 Chocolate was the choice of general wash for this show - love the warmth it gives without being "sunny" like straw. One of my favourite front light "wash" colours.

The FOH rig was very limited for this show, and lower than ideal so it became very "front light" which wasn't the original plan - the only front light colours were R99 and open white.

Production: "Tether End" by Estrado Theatre Company
LD Ross McKillop
SM Morven Henderson
Director Tom McKeown

Image #2 included more for comedy value - not the intended use of your gels but we always use "old" offcuts of Rosco colour for gelling our desk lights, Your deeper blues (R83 etc) don't burn out anywhere near as quickly as other manufacturers, so even after being used on the rig they get reused to gel desk lamps :)

Colors Used:

  • R99
  • R83