Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Acquainted With the Night
  • Lighting Designer
    Jimmy Lawlor
  • Venue
    Shubert Theatre NYU
  • Producing Entity
    Rachel Chavkin

1.) Acquainted With The Night. Written by Keith Reddin. Directed by Rachel Chavkin. Sets by Carolyn Mraz. Costumes by Adrianne Carney. Lighting by Jimmy Lawlor. Shubert Theatre - NYU. 2010. R21 and R83 from low box on an alternating pulse.

2.) Emperor Antony. Adapted from Julius Caesar and Antony & Cleopatra by William Shakespeare. Directed by Victor Pappas. Sets by Jason Ardizzone-West. Costumes by Tilly Grimes. Atlas Theatre - NYU. 2011. R02 (side), R58 (diag).

3.) Emperor Antony. Adapted from Julius Caesar and Antony & Cleopatra by William Shakespeare. Directed by Victor Pappas. Sets by Jason Ardizzone-West. Costumes by Tilly Grimes. Atlas Theatre - NYU. 2011. R09 (back)

Colors Used:

  • R02
  • R58
  • R09
  • R21
  • R83