Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Naked City
  • Lighting Designer
    Susan Hamburger

The dance 'Naked City' follows the arc of six women who come to the city as strangers looking for a better life and then interact with each other, incidentally or intentionally, on its streets. I highlighted the isolation of the dancers in the beginning of the dance by lighting them primarily from the waist up, which enhanced the focus on the emotional expressiveness of their faces and upper bodies and reduced it on their surrounding environment. Their costumes were evening dresses made of black and silver sequins with a touch of blue fabric as an accent. They were fantastic to light! The change in side color, from the more saturated R78 to the cool white of the R360, could make the dresses feel midnight blue or black or silver. The R83 from above brought out the blue highlights in the costumes without overpowering the scene.

Colors Used:

  • R78
  • R83