Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Walking with Pearl - The Southern Diaries
  • Lighting Designer
    Susan Hamburger
  • Producing Entity
    Jawole Willa Jo Zollar

I wanted the lighting to reflect memories of Pearl Primus' stories, but in a less 'romantic' way. The palette I was working with, for most of the dance, consisted of amber and dusty rose colors. I loved using R321 because it can make everything feel as though you are looking at a sepia photograph. Using R09 and R03 as the key lights on the body with accents of R50 helped recreate the environment we wanted - the dry, dusty feel of parched cotton fields. The R50 combined with the R321 also brought the sense of heat to the skin and the costumes, without looking too pretty as it might on whiter skin."

Colors Used:

  • R321
  • R09
  • R03
  • R50