Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Thoroughly Modern Millie
  • Lighting Designer
    Sean Pieroth
  • Venue
    Alan B. Shepard High School
  • Producing Entity
    Michael Fallon

Thoroughly Modern Millie presented by the Alan B. Shepard High School music department. Directed by Michael Fallon. Lighting Design by Sean Pieroth. The show begins as Millie moves to New York in order to start a new life as a modern woman (Photo #1 R63, R08, R121 and gobo R77563 with gel R10). Eventually her adventures lead her to a speakeasy (Photo #2 R63, R08, and R120). Unfortunately, these adventures also land Millie and her love interest Jimmy in jail (Photo #3 R121 and gobo 77980 with gel R63). After leaving jail, they go to meet Jimmy's mother Muzzy at a lavish party (Photo #4 R63, R121 gobos 79005 and 77884). Near the end of the show, Millie and Jimmy realize (along with two other characters who have developed a relationship) that they have fallen in love with each other (Photo #5 R120 and 121).

Colors Used:

  • R63
  • R08
  • R121
  • R10
  • R120