Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Coraline: The Musical
  • Lighting Designer
    Santiago Menjivar
  • Venue
    John Van Duzer Theatre
  • Producing Entity
    Humboldt State University

The first image is of Coraline meeting our other world Mr Bobo for the first time, I used an R72 to show this other world as a bright but not right feeling world.

Image number 2 is in a dark void within this other world that "Other Mother" uses to traps Coraline and the other kids in. I used R382 for a rich dark blue feeling.
In the third image i've added in some R26 to add in the fear the "Other Mother" brings to the Musical.

The fourth and last picture is "Other Mother" in her final form, R26 is heavily used at the climax of her death.

Coraline: The Musical
Based on the Novel by Neil Gaiman
Book by David Greenspan
Music/Lyrics by Stephin Merritt
Directed by Rae Robison

Colors Used:

  • R99
  • R02
  • R72
  • R382
  • R53
  • R27
  • R46