Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    It Could be Any of Us
  • Lighting Designer
    Michael Domue
  • Venue
    Totem Pole Playhouse
  • Producing Entity
    Carl Schurr

Totem Pole Playhouse production of:

It Could Be Any One of Us
Written by: Alan Ayckborn
Directed by: Carl Schurr
Scenery by: James Fouchard
Lighting by: Michael Domue
Sound by: Stowe Nelson
Costumes by: Samantha Schroer

Front Light: R305, R38, R365
Top Light: R82
Cyc Colors: R39, R59, R125

Fire Effect used 2 Rosco Double Gobo Rotators
fire colors used custom built "frankenstein" colors using a variety of Rosco colors.

Colors Used:

  • R305
  • R38
  • R365
  • R82
  • R39
  • R59
  • R125