Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Heathen Valley
  • Lighting Designer
    Keith Henninger
  • Venue
    Millersville University Theatre
  • Producing Entity
    Jeff Cartwright

Millersville University Theater
Heathen Valley
Director, Jeff Cartwright
Alumni Lighting Designer, Keith Henninger

In the photos I used a combining R02 Bastard Amber, R09 Amber Gold as front light, R13 Straw Tint as side, and R68 Sky Blue as back light. I also used R99 Chocolate with template R79119 Winter Tree.

The show takes place in the deep south, deep in the woods. Both the director and I wanted to go for a Sepia tone look to the whole show. We also wanted the stage to appear as though it was in a clearing in the woods. We wanted to take people back in time so that they could better understand the context of the show.

Colors Used:

  • R68
  • R09
  • R13
  • R99
  • R02