Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Blood Wedding
  • Lighting Designer
    Ellie Humphrys
  • Venue
    Theatre School at DePaul University
  • Producing Entity
    Reshmi Hazra

From the Theatre School at DePaul University's recent production of Federico García Lorca's "Blood Wedding". (Photo by Jillian Rothman)

Directed by Reshmi Hazra

Assistant Director - Devon Doherty
Stage Manager - Emily Hitmar
Asst. Stage Manager - Katrina Dion

Sound Design by Jenna Moran
Lighting Design by Ellie Humphrys
Lighting Design Assistant - Eric Peterson
Scenic Design by Jillian Rothman
Costume Design by Cara Adams

After the bride weds a man she does not love, she runs away with her true lover during the wedding reception. Her husband is enraged, not only did she run away with another man, but the other man is from the family who killed his own father.
In this photo, the bride is seen returning to the home of her mother-in-law after her lover and her husband have killed each other. She begs her mother-in-law to kill her too; the knife she holds is still soaked in blood from the night's previous events.

The red seen on either side of the stage was done using only two instruments and cuts of Rosco's "Gypsy Red" or R324. I chose this over other reds for a few reasons, one being that I liked the way it looked with the rest of the color scheme (R357 was mixed with it to create some nice sun set looks), and it worked well with the paint of the furniture my set designer provided me. I also wanted to try something different, as I had often used R24, and wanted to explore my options in the world of red. Plus the coupling of a Spanish play and the color "Gypsy Red" just seemed too humorous for me to pass up.

Colors Used:

  • R324