Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Angel City
  • Lighting Designer
    Derek Christiansen
  • Venue
    Massman Theatre
  • Producing Entity
    Kari Lawson

In this scene prefacing the shift in character between the protagonist and antagonist, the smog and dirt of the city infiltrates the room as the lights dim down, and the wall behind becomes a large movie screen. To invoke that sense of unnaturally harsh, dirty warmth, I slowly faded out the R02 front and side light and replaced it with an angled R20 scoop covering the whole room, creating large shadows and surrounding the audience with the same eerie glow as the characters in front of them. When the large blue rectangle popped on at the antagonist's cue, it appears even brighter and more unnatural against the established darkened room of the opposite color. R20 worked fantastically to also inspire a feeling of an old-fashioned sepia toned film for the scene; something long standing, unchanging, and also unsettling, much like the movie industry in this Sam Shepard piece.

Colors Used:

  • R20
  • R02