Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Les Miserables
  • Lighting Designer
    Brian Hrpcek
  • Venue
    Racine Theatre Guild
  • Producing Entity

Production of Les Mis at the Racine Theatre Guild in Racine, Wisconsin. A community theatre with a full thrust stage and a 400 seat house.

We knew we would be running everything pretty low for most of the show so the front and side lights are gelled with R51. Our rep plot is gelled with R333 but that would have been way to warm at the low levels we were running. The backlights all got R59 to provide some "mood" and a canvas to paint the key lights on.

The other color washes have R80 and R26, and R68 in the breakup gobo washes. The cyc is lit with R80 and R384 alternating every other unit to provide the sky some texture. There was also an R39 wash used heavily in "Lovely Ladies."

The average theatre goer usually doesn't notice the lighting, but we recieved several comments from patrons who were impressed by the richness of color and the depth we were able to create using roscolux gels.

Colors Used:

  • R59
  • R51
  • R80
  • R384
  • R68
  • R39
  • R26